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How Do I Know If I Need A Wheel Alignment?

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Any minor misalignment left unresolved can potentially lead to costly repairs. Use these four clear signs to determine if your car needs a wheel alignment.

What Causes Wheels To Get Misaligned?

Here are some of the many ways your wheels can become misaligned:

  • Frequent off-road trips.
  • Hitting a pothole.
  • Car accident occurs.
  • Normal wear and tear after about 2 years of driving.
  • And more.

Signs Your Car Needs A Wheel Alignment

While an inspection is needed to confirm when your car is misaligned, there are a few signs that indicate your wheels are indeed misaligned.

Steering Wheel Is Off Center

A crooked steering wheel is oftentimes a sign of a misaligned car. All steering wheels are designed to be dead center.

When driving down a straight road, check to see where your steering wheel is aligned. One easy way to make sure the steering wheel is aligned properly is to check if the logo is centered.

Car Pulls To Either Side

This will be one of the most noticeable signs while driving. Slight pulling to the left or right is perfectly normal.

However, if you find yourself constantly having to keep the car straight, it’s likely the result of an alignment issue.

Car Or Steering Wheel Shakes

Your steering wheel should never vibrate to a point where you feel it in your hands, even while accelerating.

A car shaking while in motion can indicate a few different issues, with misalignment being the most common factor. Let the auto care professionals diagnose this issue so you know the exact cause.

Tires Wear Out Quickly

Quick tire wear is a great indicator of car problems. The wearing of the tires should be evenly spread on the inside and outside.

Using your own eyes, you should be able to quickly spot abnormal tire wear. Just like a shaking car, worn out tires can indicate several things, including misalignment.

When To Get A Wheel Alignment

Of course, when you get new wheels, you can always get an alignment at this time. In the event that your car has been driving through a lot of bumpy roads or got into an accident, having the alignment checked is recommended.

Rough terrain can call for yearly adjustments. If you notice your steering wheel not going back to its normal resting position, this could mean the tire alignment is off. Also, it may be time to have an alignment done if your car is drifting off to one side while in motion.

Wheel alignments refer to checking and adjusting the angles of each and every wheel on a vehicle. Improper alignment can ultimately reduce the life of a tire. Proper alignment is crucial for good handling capability of the vehicle, as it plays an important role in keeping your tires healthy.

It’s recommended to get a wheel alignment every 2-3 years. Most mechanics will check into your alignment during routine service.

Ascot Automotive Specialists In Flagstaff, AZ

Ascot Automotive offers an extensive array of auto repair solutions to address every issue your vehicle may encounter. From routine maintenance to intricate repairs, our adept technicians possess the expertise to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Contact our experienced team today!

Image by knowlesgallery from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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