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How Long Can I Drive With A Transmission Leak?

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If you are wondering how long you can drive your car with a transmission fluid leak, it’s best not to drive any further than a few miles to your local auto repair shop. Your car may be able to make it 10-15 miles to the closest shop without causing further harm, but it is suggested to never drive the car any further than this while experiencing leakage.

Low Transmission Fluid Symptoms

There are a few important signs of low transmission fluid that all drivers should be aware of. Knowing these issues will help you defend against further problems developing over time.

Trouble Shifting Gears

There are metal gears featured in the gearbox that change with the help of fluid lubrication. If your transmission fluid happens to be low, it can create some difficulty shifting in gear.

You may need more force to shift the gear from the gearstick. This is one of the major indicators that there is an issue in your transmission system.

Transmission System Overheating

Overheating, of course, is one of the most visible signs that your transmission fluid is either low or about to end. It is quite possible that you will see an indicator on your car’s dashboard.

Furthermore, you will experience some smoke and a strange smell coming from the engine bay. You can check this by opening your car bonnet to see where this smoke may be coming from. If you find smoke in the transmission fluid box, this means it is overheating and is in need of more fluid.

Warning Check Lights

Always pay attention to your car’s dashboard while driving. If you see some warning signs on the dashboard related to the gear box, it could indicate that you need to have your transmission system inspected.

The check engine light can also indicate issues within the engine. Get a car diagnostic test if you cannot accurately determine the issue.

Leaking Transmission Fluid Signs

If you can see fluid leaking from the engine, this is one of the signs that transmission fluid is reducing. It is unsafe to drive a vehicle with fluid leakage. Call a local auto repair shop immediately.

Driving with leaking fluid can harm the car’s engine and it can also result in different potential damages.

Strange Sounds

Hearing strange noises while changing gears is due to metals that are grating. Metal-on-metal grating will happen when there is less lubrication in your transmission.

Dry and damaged gearboxes can be the reason behind these sounds. It’s recommended to call an auto repair shop whenever you hear strange noises.

Jerking While Driving

If your car is jerking while in motion, it’s possible there is a transmission issue. Low transmission fluid is the most common culprit here.

However, it can cause some other damage. When the fluid is too low, the gear teeth will not work smoothly, sometimes resulting in jerking while driving.

What Happens If You Drive With A Transmission Leak?

As mentioned, your car may be able to make it 10-15 miles to the closest shop without causing further harm, but it is suggested to never drive the car any further than this while experiencing leakage.

If your car is presenting symptoms of low transmission fluid, it’s best to call an auto repair shop. Contact the experienced team at Ascot Automotive in Flagstaff, AZ today!

Ascot Automotive Specialists In Flagstaff, AZ

Ascot Automotive offers an extensive array of auto repair solutions to address every issue your vehicle may encounter. From routine maintenance to intricate repairs, our adept technicians possess the expertise to keep your vehicle running smoothly. Contact our experienced team today!

Image by knowlesgallery from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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